Living Green Supremefood – An Organic Energy Booster


5 fermented foods that everyone should eat them

According to some studies there is a link between bacteria in the intestines and body health in general. Fermented Green Supremefood it`s an all-natural blend that it`s made to improve our immunity system and also our health and lifestyle. And the best way to improve the intestinal flora is to eat fermented foods rich in probiotics. Here are some reasons why you should add fermented foods in your diet.   1. Improve digestion fermented foods fermented foods are a sort of predigested products. Which means that is easily digested, and the body can easily absorb nutrients from them.  2. Fermentation improves the nutrients from food are not only easily absorbed nutrients from them but studies have shown that fermented dairy provides more vitamins than regular milk. Also, vegetables, fruits, beans and grains have more nutrients after fermentation. 3. Fermentation it helps eliminate anti-nutrients Phytic acid by fermentation eliminate that exist in grains, beans, peas, seeds, nuts and peanuts. Reducing phytic acid facilitates the absorption of minerals such as bowel is faster. 4. Coconut Yogurt Coconut Yogurt is high in probiotics and is easier to digest than regular yogurt. Coconut is antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial and, moreover, is rich in electrolytes, calcium, potassium and magnesium.  5. Pickles Pickles salad contains active cultures of bacteria and enzymes. Just as with sauerkraut sure to choose pasteurized.  The site announced that it is discussed in an article to be published in the August issue of the journal Psychiatry Research. The study is based on 700 questions answered by students who had some social anxiety symptoms. It is possible that these probiotics in fermented foods favorably alter gut flora and hence to alleviate the symptoms of social anxiety, explains Professor in Psychology, Matthew Hilimire, one of the study authors. I find it fascinating how some bacteria in the gut can influence a person’s mood, says prof. Hilimire.


Researchers also found that fermented foods give very good results for students and prone to anxiety in nervosa. In the category of fermented foods effective in these cases, researchers have nominated yogurt and pickles cabbage and cucumbers. The next stage of the study was to verify the cause- effect relationship between the consumption of probiotics and reducing anxiety. If you want to find out more about Fermented Green Supremefood our other supplements, then please feel free to follow us on Health Magazine with Reviews.