Perfect Biotics News, Testimonials and Reviews


A healthy gut flora is a key to a healthy life. An unbalanced gut cannot only cause bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation but much more serious disorders as eczema, diabetes, chronic fatigue, depression, autoimmune diseases and more others chronic diseases. It is very important to take care of your gastrointestinal tract, especially because many illnesses are triggered by its unbalances.

There is a good probiotic you should try called Perfect Biotics by Probiotic America. It contains a various number of strains and most important they are acid and bile resistant.


Lactobacillus acidophilus produces lactase, the enzyme that breaks down the sugar in milk called lactose and treats eczema, asthma and lactose intolerance.

Bifidobacteria is a group of good microorganisms which lives in the intestines. They are helpful for treating diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and also skin conditions.

Streptococcus Thermophilus is mainly useful for digestion and also as an immunity support.

 Lactobacillus brevis is good for the heart’s health and improves the immune system.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is very effective vaginal infections, in treating and preventing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues as irritable bowel syndrome.

Lactobacillus casei improves the digestive tract, ease lactose intolerance and proved good results in Chron’s disease.

Lactobacillus salivarius is great for dental health and has a very potent antimicrobial effect .

Lactobacillus bulgaricus has a very important mechanism by acidifying the gastrointestinal tract. This is a very good thing because it makes the surviving of pathogen microorganism practically impossible. It also boosts the immune system by secreting natural antibiotics.

Lactobacillus paracasei is crucial for digestive health and has also shown great effectiveness in increasing the energy levels.

Lactococcus lactis has an important role in supporting other Lactobacillus strains. It is usually used for treating Chron’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

So, you see how many benefits can provide this strains of probiotics and how important they are for your well-being.  Nowadays, our unhealthy lifestyle can damage the gut health and we have to be careful and aware of the fact that the main factor in this process is: antibiotics, ingestion of great amounts of unhealthy carbohydrates and sugars, a low consumption in fibers, stress or chronic inflammation.

In order to restore a healthy gut flora, you have to remove all the factors that damage it. In some cases this is not enough, you must also take high-quality probiotics like Perfect Biotics by Probiotic America. This item is specially designed to ease all your symptoms like chronic fatigue, gas, bloating and other digestive issues.

The product does not need to be refrigerated so it is a good choice if you intend to travel. Other ingredients are Microcrystalline cellulose, Silica, Stearic Acid and Vegetable Cellulose. All of them are designed to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. Read Perfect Biotics Testimonials and Reviews here.
