Does nicotinamide riboside really work?


Aging affects us all one way or another and while it is different in each individual based on genetics but also even more so on lifestyle, it is also similar in the sense that many chemical processes in the body slow down, skin loses elasticity and becomes saggy, we have less energy to use in daily activities, we get tired easily and so on.

Well today i want to talk about a natural health care supplement that can help with such problems and more, it is 100% safe to use and the name is Niagen, produced by a company in Los Angeles, California, called Live Cell Research. Niagen contains 250 milligrams of Nicotinamide Riboside and that is it, it is the only ingredient and that is the only one that it needs to provide its benefits.


You see, Niagen works on the cellular level and that is mainly how it helps to provide you with more energy, because energy is produced by the mitochondria in your cells, each cell having 1 or more such organelles that produce chemical energy and because of aging this mitochondrial function slows down producing less energy and also slowind down the cellular metabolism and communication between cells, such as those in the brain, your neurons.

Because of this your cells are also more at risk of oxidation and damage caused by neurotoxins and other free radicals and so in fact Niagen's nicotinamide riboside has been proven on mice and people that it can prevent neurodegenerative problems and slow them down and actually improve cognitive performance, that is brain function, such as memory, the ability to focus, etc.


What are Niagen side-effects? The way Niagen works using nicotinamide riboside, which by the way is natural as i've mentioned before, since you can find it naturally in milk and also beer, is very simple. Your body, more specifically your cells, and more specifically the mitochondria needs NAD+ to take in nutrients, glucose and process it and to turn it into energy to be used by your human cells of which you have about 32.7 trillions in your body. NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and the body produces less also because of aging as i've mentioned earlier above. Well nicotinamide riboside or NR is a natural precursor to NAD+, it helps to synthesize it, it is used as an ingredient in its production, boosting NAD+ levels and improving cellular metabolism and all those other things i mentioned, providing more energy, boosting muscle strenght, cognitive performance and so on.

Please visit the official website of Live Cell Research for more info. or to place an order.